Having a centennial olive tree at home can be a pleasant experience and also something that will give to your garden a different and beautiful environment that certainly any notice. The centennial olive trees are trees that thanks to its virtues and the special quality of the evergreen, live for hundreds of years without any problem; it’s equally important to recognize that trees are slow growing.

Anyone can have a centennial olive tree in their garden just by taking into account some care measures that will help keep the tree full of life at all times; however, planted from seed it is a task that is best handled by experts, as Macrobonsai team.

Cultivation and irrigation of the centennial olive in youth

  • It’s advisable to purchase a centennial olive tree at an age of 9 months nursery; experts delivered a tree of great quality that counted on quality and health certificate.
  • The soil in which the olive tree will be planted must be suitable, maintaining a balance of 30% clay, 30% silt and 40% sand.
  • The soil should be aerated and free of weeds all the time.
  • It should be planted in a place where it touches the sun throughout the day.
  • Should dig a hole in proportion to the roots and should be placed right in the center leaving a radius of 1 meter trunk.
  • They should be watered during the coolest hours of the day can be in the mornings or evenings.
  • Irrigation of centennial olive trees should be done regardless that the land be wet or not to avoid dehydration.
  • It should be pruned every year depending on the growth desired.
  • Place a stake to prevent the wind move the centenary olive helps growth.
  • If there are rodent problems should be placed a protective mesh against rodents.

Following these tips you can ensure that the centennial olive tree grow and mature way successful and live for many years with fullness in your garden.