Water the plants is of vital importance since plants are like people, throughout their life requires special care as well as humans need to drink, plants too, that some plants do not require a frequent watering. If a plant is not watered properly it will begin to wither and may suffer leaf fall. On the other hand, if you exceed the irrigation, the roots can reach a point, so it is very important to know the plant and its needs.

When to water the plants

The amount of water required varies throughout the year, since it depends not only on the characteristics of each species but also on climatic and environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, wind and luminosity, as well as the composition and depth of the soil. Since so many factors have to be taken into account, it is impossible to establish fixed rules regarding frequency and irrigation flow, however there are a number of guidelines to know when to water the plants.

  • During winter seasons it is preferable to water the plants during the morning, so it prevents water from freezing.
  • During the summer it is best during the nights when the temperature is cooler.
  • Freshly planted species need the greater amount of water and constant moisture for their growth, especially during their first year.
  • In the middle of summer the lawn needs daily watering, herbaceous plants every two days and trees and shrubs, on a couple of occasions in the week.
  • If the soil is dry, you should open a small hole and check the humidity, or if you have to water the plant.

Irrigation with mineral water is ideal since tap water is often heavily loaded with chlorine as part of drinking water treatments in our homes, so you have to look for no cause of excess of this element, because just as it happens with deficiencies, excesses of a given element can cause health problems.