Keeping flower vases is essential for them to remain beautiful for longer, sometimes even the most beautiful bouquet deteriorates in a few days, causing the ornament to lose its splendor. With a series of tricks you can keep the flowers alive longer.

How to keep flower vases

  • Flower vases are often kept only by changing the water daily with just leaving the vase with everything and flowers under the tap or faucet, and let the water run.
  • During spring and summer, we can air the flower vases by taking a few moments to the garden.
  • In order to prevent the flower vases from wilting in winter, cut a raw potato and put some small pieces of it into the vase water.
  • If we have the plant in the garden, to cut them we will submerge the stem in a bowl with clear water, and we will make the cut inside the water. We can also cut one or two centimeters from the stem of the cut flowers, and immediately immerse them in hot water. In this way, air will not enter the stem, prolonging the life of the flower in the vase.
  • It is also wise to refresh the flowers at night. Depending on the variety, you can take it to the garden, but do not put them inside the refrigerator or take them out to the patio on too cold days.
  • The softer stems can be cut straight, while steeper stems should be cut at an inclination of about 40 ° to 50 °, diagonally. Some woody stems can be incinerated in the kitchen burners, to cauterize them and prolong their life in the vase.
  • Add a dose of floral preservative to the water in the vase to prevent bacteria from proliferating, and thus enjoy flower vases for longer.